The impression is so deep that it can hardly ever blow over. 印象太深了,总也忘不了。
Mary and I have frequent quarrels, but they soon blow over. 我和玛丽常吵架,但吵了过后很快就算了。
If you ignore it, the situation will blow over soon. 如果你不理它,这种状况很快就会平息了。
When someone starts to blow up all over you, be careful about your response. 当有人开始炸毁所有的你,小心你的答复。
The wind is almost strong enough to blow you over. 风势之强几乎可把你吹倒。
We almost come to blow over what colour our new carpet shall be. 我们为了用甚麽颜色的新地毯险些打了起来。
I thought that after a few months the argument would blow over. 我认为几个月后争论就会被淡忘的。
It'll blow over. it's not serious. 很快会被淡忘,没什么大不了的。
Don't blow your top over such a silly little mistake. 别为了这小而愚蠢的错误发脾气。
With time, the grief of bereavement will blow over. 假以时日,丧失至亲的哀伤会消散。
Remember that crises blow over. 记住,危机总会过去。
Give it a few days," said father. "it will all blow over. “过几天它就会显现出来了。”父亲说。
There's no need to blow a fuse over such a little problem. 为这么点小事没必要发脾气。
If dunsey did not come back for a few days, everything might blow over. 如果几天之内,邓塞仍是没有回家,也许一切就会风平浪静。
And he thinks the whole thing will blow over. 他认为整件事情会被淡忘。
Your dinner problem will blow over. 晚餐的问题会慢慢淡忘的。
Some revolutions blow over before the guns even get there. 有时枪还没到革命已经结束了。
They hoped that the disturbances would soon blow over. 他们希望风潮能很快过去。
Looked like a stiff breeze would blow him over. 他看起来似乎风一吹就会倒。
If the snowstorm does not blow over, the cattle will die off. 如果暴风雪不停息,很多牲畜就要死掉了。
They climbed, shot back, and held their footing. Stand your ground. This whole thing will blow over. 攀登,反击,站稳脚跟。站稳脚跟吧。这整个事情会烟消云散的。
The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate; 一年四季盛行的西南风和西风在冬季从大西洋带来温暖、潮湿的空气,使气温适宜;
You'll need to dig those young trees in a bit deeper, unless you want the wind to blow them over. 要是你不想让风把那些幼树吹倒,你必须把它们埋得深一点。
The west winds blow over Britain all the year. 英国一年到头刮着西风。
It simply blow air over a wet surface, so that the area evaporate water off the surface and into the airstream. 基本原理是让空气通过一个浸水的湿垫,通过水分的蒸发降低进入室内气流的温度。
Wind may blow over boat, but, if you operate it properly, wind is the important force to propel boat to your destination. 强风会吹翻船只,但是假如操作得当,风也是推动船只前往其目的地的重要力量。
After the cessation of the rains, the wind continued to blow over the ocean, churning it like milk, until lands, like butter, came into existence. 雨中止后,风继续吹,搅动海洋像牛奶一样翻腾,直到出现黄油一样的陆地。
Rain clouds are banking up. Hope they'll blow over. 雨云正在聚积起来。希望它们会散去。